Does Cryolipolysis machine get good result, the real experience of Cryolipolysis machine ?
Date:2022-07-21 16:14Number of views:439


Use low temperature to reduce fat activity, make its atrophy-death-death


The number of fat cells is limited, and there are three opportunities in a long life to determine the amount of fat: in the fetus, in infancy, and in adolescence

The position of fat cells is fixed, he will not flow, a place of fat depends on how thin your fat volume becomes smaller, bluntly is that the fat will become bigger but not more, just like you grow fat but will not become two you

There are many kinds of cells in the body, of which they are more sensitive to low temperature (the epidermis is not affected), so when the temperature is so low that fat can not tolerate, fat will atrophy-die-die

Then cleared by macrophages or other immune cells, there is no need to worry that macrophages will increase after eating fat. It is not a reproductive cell population, and it can only survive for about half a month to 20 days when the environment is suitable

Frozen fat dissolution did not work as quickly, approaching a three-month course.

Also because it only works on subcutaneous fat, it has no effect on visceral fat, but! Dieting, exercise, visceral fat is twice faster than skin fat!

So this technology needs you to "combine work and rest", each person's constitution is different, it needs professional people to customize, in order to achieve obvious slimming effect

Significant fat loss of 25% at 4 months



Fake, not absolutely painless, according to the little sisters you have tried to feedback, generally at the beginning of the pain (after the need to massage back to the temperature)


The Invention at Harvard Medical School, USA

ZELTIO has 52 patents, ZELTIQ Intellectual Property with 19 and 80 foreign patents, The world's only non-invasive instrument through the US FDA, CoolSculpting® is a non-invasive fat thickness reduction therapy, Reduce a quarter of fat in each probe, Ninety-six percent of customers considered excellent comfort with little recovery sessions, Ninety-five percent of our clients were satisfied with the treatment effect, Ninety-two percent of customers agreed with a single session, Can see the effect, Ninety-four percent of physicians recommend that CoolSculpting®, CoolSculpting® has published more than 60 papers in international professional journals, To firm its safety and effectiveness, The CoolSculpting® is used in over 80 + countries, Over 5,000 device hosts worldwide, , In 3.5 million treatments in 6 years, This record is the top of the industry

Learn through practice

It is a non-surgical type, similar to life care, and its experience degree even exceeds hyaluronic acid injection. (May 2015) More than two million CoolSculpting® treatment cases have been completed worldwide, that is, the experience is almost like hairdressing in a beauty salon. The treatment time is about 1 hour, but the treatment cycle is about 90 days

So it's up to you to spend several hours of liposuction in the operating room to get immediate results or to slowly wait for three months quietly

But the effect of excessive fat amount of frozen fat soluble is certainly less than liposuction, and the cost of liposuction is low, each has its own advantages.

The ects of liposuction and filling ——

Before saying the sequelae, first talk about the misunderstanding of liposuction

1. Weight loss

Fat can only plasticity can not lose weight, want to liposuction sister to lose weight had better give up, the standard of fat extraction is 2100ml-5000ml, that is, between 3.6 jin to 8 jin, very, very nb experts can be a little more, but expensive

2. A rebound

I wrote aphandisidium above

The amount of fat fixed is limited, obesity is just a change in the size of the cell, so even if the rebound, it will not be as "pang" as before, and there is no rebound, let alone more "pang"

Sequela 1-concave-uneven ——

Subcutaneous fat distribution is not uniform, belong to operational error doctor is too violent

Sequela 2 Skin laxity ——

After the operation to extract fat, there will be some gaps, too much, their skin elasticity recovery is relatively slow will be very obvious

Sequela 3 flap is bad-dead-——

Is still too large extraction produce, after the fat extraction, the loss between the skin and muscle will stick together, seriously to the flap is bad-dead-

sequela 4 Surgical bruising ——

I do not know whether it is a sequela, the main problem is that the expert violent operation caused by serious subcutaneous tissue bleeding,

Sequela 5 was locally infected with ——

There are only two reasons, the operating environment is too poor and their own postoperative resistance is not good

sequela 6 fat embolization ——

This is a possible problem with fat filling, where fat is accidentally injected into the blood vessels, which will block the arteries, and you know the consequences

Sequela 7 neurological injury ——

Easy to occur in the temporal filling, causing facial paralysis

Do you know what courage those beautiful little sisters should have?

Plastic surgery has risks, but the risk is controllable, control or see your preoperative heart is not careful, you think twice.

How to avoid the risk?

1. Search

These are all ads, good and bad, but you can't tell them

2. Face diagnosis

Preoperative facial diagnosis requires you to communicate with experts to obtain information, but also to see whether it is suitable or not.

3. Experts

Liposuction surgery I suggest that the best main project is the fat expert, other items are incidental skills, this expert purpose is not money, is scientific research and achievements, what will be a little but nothing outstanding advice to consider

Qualification is a must have, try to consider the experience of 2-3 years of doctors

4. Case

See more

Do you need to take an essence element orally after liposuction?

Recently see a lot of little sister made liposuction project, postoperative research, I first understand this thing or a x book a up main share, don't know if brush more then grass hhh, as for postoperative need to eat this kind of repair nutrition, in my personal practical experience, do liposuction project is very necessary to oral research a essence. We all know that the hospital needed for liposuction is a level 3 level, essentially a large operation, already out of the microconsolidation level. For such a operation, the postoperative potential risk is self-evident, if the postoperative because of their own recovery can not repair and problems, it is very der! Now do ultrasonic knife this photoelectric project are a batch of beauty lovers to oral research a fine department, not to mention this level of liposuction. But not anything can be eaten, the current industry use is more research a precision department, FDA certification and reach certification, a number of patents, rich peptides to tighten to improve the prevention of skin depression and relaxation recovery has a very good auxiliary treatment effect.

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