Pigmentation Tattoo removal picoway nd yag laser

工作原理:Treatment Theory

Pico laser breaks melanin and starts the repair mechanism at the same time.It can promote collagen regeneration and proliferation. The rapid and powerful crushing ability of Pico laser greatly reduces the risk of thermal damage. The risk of reactivating the melanin is relatively reduced.



1. Nevus of Ota,Freckle,Chloasma,Spotted nevus,Age spot,Melanosis  

2. Pigmentation after inflammation

3. Seborrheic keratosis,Coffee spot,Tattoo

4.Brown and cyanine nevus of zygomatic


Features & Advantages

1. Better treatment result

With short pulse width 800ps, melanin granules are crushed immediately, causing less treatment session.

2. No damage to skin

Picosecond laser removes pigmentation and start skin repair mechanism at the same time, which promotes collagen regeneration and skin rejuvenation.

3. Avoid return tan

Avoid the risk of returning tan.

4. Pigment lesions removal

1064nm wavelength has no damage to normal tissues.

The absorption peak of melanin at 1064nm is much higher than ordinary Q-switched laser which means the energy to work on normal skin is low. There is no server wounds and thermal damage to the dermis after treatment.

5. 600mj ultra-high single pulse energy

Ultra-high single pulse energy focus can break the melanin into tiny particles which is more convenient for the body to metabolize it, and greatly improve the pigmentation removal rate.

6. High uniform spot technology

High uniform spot technology makes sure all energy equal transmission and avoid excessive loss of normal tissue of the epidermis. Treatment process is safer.

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