Top 10 FAQs about Fractional Laser Beauty Instruments
Date:2022-04-21 17:44Number of views:439

The pulse ablation CO2 fractional laser can instantly heat the water in the tissue to above 100 ℃, and when it acts on the skin, it vaporizes the epidermis and the dermis (scar) of different depths, causing the skin to produce vaporization pits. Let you have a more detailed understanding of why you choose to do fractional laser, and how to care for it after the operation?


1. What is the operating principle of the fractional laser?

Compared with the traditional laser, the fractional laser is more powerful and can reach the deep layer of the dermis of the human face, stimulate the damaged part of the dermal tissue to improve and proliferate, so that the dermis produces more collagen and rearranges it. Each pulsed laser is divided into nearly 100 micro-laser pulses, and each micro-laser spot is only 75-100um. When these tiny laser beams act on the skin surface, they will stimulate the growth of collagen and elastic fibers in the subcutaneous dermal tissue. , so as to fill in the pits, firm the skin and eliminate acne marks.

2. Is the operation of the fractional laser good for acne scars and acne pits?

The effect of fractional laser operation on acne pits is very obvious, and each operation will have a certain degree of improvement. As the number of operations increases, the effect will gradually accumulate.

3. How many operations are generally required?

According to the severity of acne scars and acne pits, the number of operations is different, generally 3 to 5 times a course of treatment. There should be 2 months between the two.

4. Do I need to rest after fractional laser operation?

In order to achieve the effect of the operation and prevent infection, generally, local redness, swelling, and spot bleeding will appear after the operation of the fractional laser. It is required to keep the local area dry for 5 to 7 days, and not to be wetted. Each patient needs to adjust the time according to their own conditions.

5. Is the operation of the fractional laser painful?

Before the operation of the fractional laser, topical anesthetic should be used, and the operation will start after 40 minutes. There is basically no pain during the operation, and there is a local burning sensation after the operation, which will improve after cold compress.

6. What's wrong with the operation of the dot matrix laser?

There is basically no bad phenomenon in the operation of fractional laser, mainly the problem of local pigmentation. As long as you don’t get infected in the early stage and pay proper attention to sun protection in the future, there will be basically no pigmentation.

7. Does fractional laser operation make the skin thinner?

Fractional laser stimulates the growth of collagen and elastic fibers in the subcutaneous dermal tissue, so the skin will not become thinner, but thicker, increasing skin elasticity and decreasing sensitivity.

8. Will the condition recur after the fractional laser operation on acne scars and acne pits?

No, as long as you don't keep getting pimples repeatedly, the effect will last forever.

9. Can I do fractional laser when I have acne?

No, you need to wait until the local inflammation is under control before doing it.

10. How long can I wear makeup after fractional laser operation?

Usually 5 to 7 days after the scab falls off, you can apply makeup with water.

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